Tuesday, November 10, 2009


"Changing Channels" parodies everything from cheesy sitcoms to medical dramas ("Grey's Anatomy") to crime dramas ("CSI: Miami"). Each and every segment Dean and Sam are trapped has some of the best witty dialogue and humorous hijacks the series has ever done and seriously, this series has a lot of them. The studio audience was priceless and Sam's impression of Horaino Caine from CSI: Miami is the funniest thing I've seen in while. The writers as well as Jared and Jensen looked like they were having so much fun getting to make fun of essential their competition on Thursday nights.

Not to mention giving a shout to Jeffrey Dean Morgan who was on Grey's Anatomy was beyond hilarious! But while "Changing Channels" is comedy gold, I loved how once again the writers pull a 180 in this episode final moments. I have to say the third act and final act of this episode are some of the best moments of the series. Dean and Sam defeat the Trickster once again, but it turns out he doesn't die and in one of the most unforeseen turn of events of the series, Sam and Dean are one step ahead of the Trickster and reveal that he's not only an archangel but THE archangel, Gabriel! I have to say I was in awe after this twist, especially considering he was an archangel the whole time since he first encountered Sam and Dean. I know some fans were probably shocked and found this twist far-fetched, but I thought it was brilliant! Once again, Eric Kripke shows how good it is when a show creator pre-plans a whole series before it airs.

An episode like this brings previous stories full circle and gives the current story arc even more depth. Not to mention, I loved Gabriel's speech to Dean and Sam about why they are chosen as Michael and Lucifer's vessels.

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